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The  Mayllog  Soong  Foundation 

XLbc  Mt6^om  of  tbe  iBast  Series 

Edited  by 


Dr.   S.   A.   KAPADIA 


First  Edition  .        ,        .    /une  1905 
Reprinted         .         .         .     May  1909 












Introduction H 


Girl's  Instruction      .        .        .        .        •        .33 


Demarkation  between  the  Sexes       ,        •        •      34 


"  Seven  Reasons  for  Divorce  "  .        ,        •        ,35 


The  Wife's  Miscellaneous  Duties    ,        ,        ,      38 





The  Treatment  op  Servants     .        ,        ,        ,       42 


The  Infirmities  of  Woman        •        ,        ,        ,      44 

The  Japanese  Eevolution  .        ,        .        ,        ,      49 

The  Legal  Conditions  for  a  Divorce       ,        ,      63 


THE  object  of  the  editors  of  this  series  is  a 
very  definite  one.  They  desire  above  all 
things  that,  in  their  humble  way,  these  books 
shall  be  the  ambassadors  of  good-will  and 
understanding  between  East  and  West,  the  old 
world  of  Thought,  and  the  new  of  Action.  In 
this  endeavour,  and  in  their  own  sphere,  they 
are  but  followers  of  the  highest  example  in  the 
land.  They  are  confident  that  a  deeper  know- 
ledge of  the  great  ideals  and  lofty  philosophy 
of  Oriental  thought  may  help  to  a  revival  of 
that  true  spirit  of  Charity  which  neither  despises 
nor  fears  the  nations  of  another  creed  and 
colour.  Finally,  in  thanking  press  and  pubHc 
for  the  very  cordial  reception  given  to  the 
*'  Wisdom  of  the  East  "  series,  they  wish  to  state 
that  no  pains  have  been  spared  to  secure  the 
best  specialists  for  the  treatment  of  the  various 
subjects  at  hand. 


northbrook   society, 
185  Piccadilly,   V/. 



THE  sole  basis  of  the  entire  moral  teaching 
of  Japan  may  be  said,  in  the  briefest  phrase, 
to  consist  of  the  spirit  of  unselfishness.  Thus, 
humility  in  place  of  ostentation,  reserve  in  place 
of  reclame,  self-sacrifice  in  place  of  selfishness, 
forbearance  in  place  of  impetuosity,  and  complete 
submission  to  authority  are  the  principal  features 
of  the  Japanese  moral  code  ;  on  these  corner- 
stones stands  the  whole  edifice  under  which  the 
Eastern  people  have  been  brought  up. 

The  Onna  Daigaku,  or  the  "  Greater  Learning 
for  Women,"  which  is  the  text  of  this  little  book, 
is,  as  its  title  indicates,  a  half-dogmatised  precept 
exclusively  intended  for  women.  The  author 
is  Kaibara  Ekken,  the  famous  moralist  of  Japan, 
who  flourished  about  two  hundred  years  ago. 
Kaibara  Ekken  was  a  great  scholar  of  Japanese 
literature,  with  an  immense  knowledge  of  Chinese 
ethics.  It  is  beyond  question  that  his  idea  of 
morality  was,  to  a  great  extent,  formed  on  Chinese 
lines,  as  most  of  the  other  thinkers'  and  moralists' 



ideas  in  those  days  were.  But  his  style  of  writing 
was  by  no  means  the  same  as  that  of  his  compeers. 
The  tranquilHty  and  uniform  peacefulness  at- 
tained under  the  Tokugawa  Government,  thanks 
to  the  subtle  and  shrewd  policy  inaugurated  by  its 
revered  founder,  lyeyasu,  whereby  the  ambitions 
of  the  great  feudal  lords  had  been  curbed,  had 
naturally  given  a  great  impetus  to  the  growth 
of  various  arts  and  of  their  peaceful  pursuance 
by  the  people.  Of  the  products  of  that  genera- 
tion literature  stood  foremost.  The  scholars  and 
thinkers  indulged  themselves  in  researches  con- 
nected with  nothing  but  the  higher  classics,  both 
of  the  Japanese  and  Chinese.  Their  works  were 
mostly  written  either  in  the  Chinese  way  or  the 
most  classical  style  of  their  own  language,  no 
matter  what  were  the  subjects  of  their  essays. 
Amid  this  pedantic  fashion,  Kaibara  alone  busied 
himself  in  expounding  his  own  moral  principles 
in  the  most  popular  style  of  writing  known  in 
his  days.  It  is  no  great  wonder  that  his  works 
were  read  by  the  book-hungered  people  to  such 
an  extent  that  in  a  comparatively  short  interval 
of  time  it  was  not  seldom  that  his  works  were  to 
be  found  on  even  the  scantily  furnished  shelves 
in  poor  merchants'  houses,  people  of  a  class  that 
was  in  those  days  the  least  addicted  to  reading, 
save  in  respect  of  a  few  standard  books  of  tra- 
ditional value  and  antiquity. 

The  Onna  Daigaku  was,  of  his  many  books, 


the  most  popular,  and  for  nearly  two  centuries 
after  its  publication  it  was  looked  upon  through- 
out the  country  as  one  of  the  indispensable 
articles  of  a  bride's  trousseau  box.  The  general 
trend  of  his  doctrine,  however,  was  by  no  means 
a  new  one  ;  there  had  already  been  a  few  similar 
essaj^s  written  by  typical  Samurai  moralists 
dealing  with  the  same  subject,  though  they  were 
of  the  casual  and  fragmentary  nature.  His  book, 
moreover,  was  certainly  not  one  of  those  which, 
as  we  find  here  and  there  in  history,  have  effected 
great  revolutions  in  the  deep-rooted  thoughts 
of  a  nation  or  in  the  moral  conceptions  prevailing 
among  a  people.  I  believe,  nevertheless,  that 
I  am  not  mistaken  in  describing  his  book,  on  the 
whole,  as  one  which  represents  and  embodies 
the  moral  sense  of  the  people  of  his  day.  He  it 
was  who  combined  traditional  sayings  and  frag- 
mental  precepts  with  his  own  morality,  and  set 
them  down  in  readable  form.  Hence,  in  other 
words,  he  guided  the  masses  who  had  but  a  vague 
comprehension  of  female  morality  in  the  direction 
towards  which  they  wished  to  be  led,  and  gave 
them  an  infallible  belief  in  the  truth  of  his  teaching. 
At  the  same  time  it  will  be  well  understood  that 
the  great  demand  for  his  book  was  due,  apart 
from  its  own  intrinsic  merit,  to  the  fact  that  in 
those  early  days  there  was  a  ridiculously  small 
number  of  popular  books  accessible  to  the  reader, 
especially  for  women.    Under  these  circumstances 


his  books  had  tremendous  vogue,  and  it  is  in- 
deed hardly  to  be  credited,  perhaps,  by  Western 
readers  how  great  and  sweeping  was  the  influence 
that  the  doctrine  contained  in  the  Onna  Daigaku 
had  upon  the  popular  idea  of  female  morality. 
It  was  like  a  holy  command ;  it  was  like  a 
religion  which  people  never  ventured  to  depart 
from  nor  even  to  criticise. 

It  is  always  a  subject  for  wonder  that,  apart 
from  the  differences  that  otherwise  exist,  there 
should  be  such  utterly  opposed  ideas  existing 
between  Orientals  and  Occidentals  in  regard  to 
the  moral  position  of  women.  While  it  is  un- 
doubtedly a  difficult  thing  to  understand,  at 
least  for  the  Easterners,  how  the  Western  woman 
has  gained  such  a  pre-eminence  over  the  Western 
man  in  social  life,  it  is  no  less  hard  for  an  Occi- 
dental to  comprehend  how  the  reverse  state  of 
things  in  the  East  should  have  come  into  exist- 
ence. It  seems  to  me,  however,  that  the  old 
Eastern  moralists  fully  realised  the  strong  in- 
fluence which  the  fair  sex  has  ever  possessed  by 
her  nature  over  the  other  sex,  and  their  dread 
of  her  resulted  in  the  publication  of  the  doctrine 
of  her  subordination  to  man  and  of  her  complete 
negation  as  a  power.  It  was  as  far  back  as 
500  B.C.  that  Confucius,  the  greatest  of  all  Chinese 
teachers,  said,  "  Man  and  woman  should  never 
sit  in  the  same  apartment  after  they  reach  seven 
years  of  age."     This  was  the  first  principle  of 


the  demarkation  of  the  sexes  to  be  observed 
between  man  and  woman,  and,  indeed,  the  very 
germ  of  that  negativeness  of  woman  with  which 
the  relation  between  the  sexes  was  to  be  regarded. 
The  woman  was  to  be  left  alone,  the  man  had 
nothing  to  contribute  towards  her  elevation.  The 
more  power  the  woman  had,  the  stronger  were 
the  wiles  against  which,  they  confessed,  man 
could  ofiFer  but  a  feeble  resistance.  Then  there 
came  another  version.  The  Buddhists  said, 
"  Woman  is  a  creature  with  the  look  of  an  angel 
on  its  countenance,  but  with  a  diabolical  spirit 
in  its  inmost  heart."  "  Woman  is  full  of  sin  ; 
nothing  is  to  be  dreaded  so  much  as  a  woman," 
they  further  insisted.  (It  is  interesting  to  note 
here  that  in  ancient  days  this  idea  was  in  no  way 
peculiar  to  the  East,  for  we  know  that  Socrates 
in  the  West,  almost  at  the  same  period,  said, 
"  Woman  is  the  source  of  all  evil ;  her  love  is  to 
be  dreaded  more  than  the  hatred  of  man  ;  the 
poor  young  men  who  seek  women  in  matrimony 
are  like  fish  who  go  to  meet  the  hook.") 

Thus,  as  it  may  be  seen,  while  one  school 
exhorted  men  not  to  have  any  dealings  with 
woman,  or  at  least  to  observe  with  the  utmost 
rigidity  the  line  of  separation  from  her,  the  other 
went  further,  demonstrating  her  sinfulness  and 
devilish  depravity  from  the  religious  point  of 
view.  These  ideas,  with  contemporary  civilisa- 
tion and  literature,  spread  across  to  Japan  from 


the  Asiatic  Continent  like  eagles  in  full  flight.  It 
is  no  great  wonder  that  in  consequence  the  edu- 
cation of  our  women  was  neglected  and  her  in- 
telligence became  more  and  more  narrow,  owing  to 
there  being  little  or  no  chance  for  her  to  see  things 
in  the  outer  world.  The  next  thing  which  was 
bound  to  happen  was  man's  contempt  and  disdain 
for  woman,  for  her  narrow-mindedness  and 
stupidity.  Thus,  one  wrong  brought  another  in 
its  train. 

Woman's  position  in  Japan,  especially  in  her 
social  relations,  sank  deeper  and  deeper  into 
neglect  and  obscurity,  when  the  incessant 
struggles  between  the  feudal  lords,  generation 
after  generation,  rendered  the  whole  country  but 
a  huge  battle-field,  and  stirred  our  warriors  to 
warlike  frenzy  in  their  search  for  the  glory  of 
brave  deeds.  This  can  be  fully  illustrated  when 
we  remember  that  some  seventeen  centuries  ago 
there  was  a  vague  yet  indisputable  existence  of 
a  kind  of  Court  society,  a  social  feature  which 
invariably  gave  ladies  excellent  chances  to  raise 
their  relative  influence  over  courtiers ;  and  that  it 
was  during  this  age  we  saw  more  female  writers  and 
other  distinguished  members  of  the  fair  sex  than 
ever  we  did  subsequently.  But  soon  after,  when, 
what  we  call  Buke  Jidai  came  upon  the  scene 
and  the  practical  hold  of  the  reins  shifted  from 
the  Emperor  to  the  Shogun,  there  was  no  room 
left  for  woman  to  display  her  natural  charms. 


Everywhere  people  went  they  saw  nothing  but 
warriors  clad  in  full  armour,  sword  in  hand.  The 
Bushi  was  disappointed  and  disheartened  when 
he  saw  his  wife  gave  birth  to  a  girl,  because,  in 
his  eyes,  there  was  no  attainment  to  rank  and 
fame  open  to  his  child  in  its  career  :  for  he  could 
not  take  her  with  him  to  the  field,  as  he  could  a 
son,  to  fight  for  his  lord.  Woman  became  a  mere 
being  to  rear  up  the  posterity  !  Woman  was  left 
neglected,  became  more  and  more  ignorant  and 
docile,  and  was  reduced  to  a  purely  domestic 
existence.  It  was  most  disgraceful  to  a  Bushi 
to  be  moved  by  woman's  sway,  no  matter  in  what 
directions,  or  even  to  think  too  much  of  her.  A 
man's  heart,  it  was  considered,  when  occupied 
with  the  higher  conception  of  duty  and  devotion 
towards  the  Emperor  or  his  overlord,  had  no 
place  left  for  lighter  cares.  Effeminacy  was  the 
most  shameful  blot  upon  the  chivalry  of  the  age. 
Though  the  Bushi  was  taught  to  protect  the 
weaker  of  either  sex,  yet  extreme  severity  and 
coolness  of  demeanour  towards  the  fair  sex  was 
regarded  as  a  proof  of  a  man's  martial  endur- 
ance. Truly,  as  Professor  Chamberlain  has  said, 
"  neither  God  nor  the  ladies  inspired  any  enthu- 
siasm in  the  Samurai's  heart,"  nor  did  he  ever 
perform  his  valiant  deeds  for  such  a  fanciful 
reward  as  a  lady's  smile.  Love  was  understood 
to  be  inconsistent  with  valour  :  attachment  to 
a  woman  was  feared  as  a  discouragement  rather 



than  a  stimulant  to  achievement.  Where,  then, 
could  the  poor  woman  stand  ?  But  there  was 
no  help  for  it,  for  it  was  her  fate  to  submit ! 

As  our  readers  will  see,  Kaibara  Ekken  de- 
scribes the  five  worst  infirmities  which  afflict  the 
female  mind,  and  he  mentions  silliness  or  stupidity 
as  the  worst  of  all  and  the  parent  of  the  other 
four.  He  attributed  the  inferiority  of  woman 
to  man  more  particularly  to  this  fact.  It  is  of 
importance,  in  order  to  understand  the  true  bear- 
ing of  his  doctrine,  that  this  point  should  be 
particularly  borne  in  mind.  Thus  he  concludes 
that  when  viewed  from  the  standard  of  man's 
nature,  the  foolishness  of  woman  prevents  her 
from  understanding  the  duties  that  lie  before  her 
very  eyes.  We  then  have  to  allow  that  our 
women  in  those  days  were  far  inferior  to  men 
in  every  respect  than  was  the  case  with  most  of 
the  other  races.  Blind  obedience  to  her  husband, 
which,  he  tells  us,  was  the  safest  way,  was  con- 
sidered to  have  been  completely  justified  by  this 
fact.  But  I  must  ask  myself  what  Kaibara 
meant  by  the  silliness  and  foolishness  of  woman. 
I  cannot,  however,  think  that  our  women,  even 
in  those  times,  were  mentally  imperfect  or  lacking 
in  intellect.  In  short,  his  point  of  argument 
seems  to  be  this  :  that  a  woman  was  too  apt  to 
give  way  to  her  passion  ;  as  she  did  not  see  much 
of  the  world,  she  knew  little  how  to  wend  her 
way ;    she  was  too  bashful  and  palpitating  of 


heart  to  deal  wisely  with  the  other  sex.  Thus 
a  husband  was  looked  upon  as  a  man  who  is 
guiding  a  blind  person — one  who  sees  absolutely 
nothing.  It  is  altogether  without  significance 
that  so  learned  a  man  like  Kaibara  Ekken  did 
not  even  attempt  to  suggest  any  remedy  for 
females'  "  foolishness,"  but  that,  on  the  con- 
trary, he  took  it  to  be  an  ineradicable  failing 
due  to  the  nature  of  the  fair  sex.  Be  that  as 
what  it  may,  it  is  undoubtedly  true  that  the 
Japanese  woman,  even  at  the  present  day,  is  the 
shyest  being  in  the  world  ! 

Turning  our  eyes  to  the  husband — a  husband 
who  had  such  an  unrestricted  control  over  his 
wife  and  was  regarded  as  the  safest  guide  of  his 
shy  and  delicate  wife — it  is  most  natural  that 
he  should  at  once  find  himself  confronted  with 
important  questions.  Then,  did  the  Japanese 
husband  fulfil  his  duty  properly  in  the  guidance 
of  his  consort  ?  Or,  at  least,  was  he  well  de- 
serving of  being  entrusted  with  such  a  tremendous 
responsibility  ?  I  could  not  be  reproached  for 
a  want  of  straightforwardness  if  I  were  to  say, 
answering  these  questions,  that  he  did  not  quite 
deserve  to  enjoy  such  warm  affection  and  tender 
respect  as  every  Japanese  wife  was  willing  to 
pay  him.  But  he  was  by  no  means  a  bad  hus- 
band. I  can  say  safely  that  he  loved,  fondled, 
and  petted  his  wife,  no  less  than  our  Western 
husbanb  does,    But  the  laws  of  morality  forbade 


him  to  pay  her  much  respect  in  the  outward 
manner,  and  thus  to  allow  her  real  independence. 
Here  I  quite  agree  with  Professor  Chamberlain 
when  he  rightly  and  wittily  says :  "  We  would 
not  have  it  thought  that  Japanese  women  are 
actually  ill-used  ;  there  is  probably  very  little 
of  wife-beating  in  Japan,  neither  is  there  any 
Zenana  system,  any  veiling  of  the  face  ;  rather 
is  it  that  women  are  all  their  lives  treated  as 
babies,  neither  trusted  with  the  independence 
which  our  modern  manners  allow,  nor  command- 
ing the  romantic  homage  which  was  woman's 
dower  in  Mediaeval  Europe."  In  fact,  they  were 
simply  petted.  The  Japanese  wife  would  have 
been  greatly  surprised  if  we  should  rashly  conclude 
that,  inasmuch  as  she  did  not  share  the  public 
enjoyments  and  pomps  of  society  with  her 
husband,  and  inasmuch  as  she  did  not  enjoy  the 
acquaintance  of  her  husband's  friends,  she  was 
an  unhappy  wife. 

However,  apart  from  all  minor  considerations, 
to  understand  the  true  significance  of  the  moral 
sense  which  gave  rise  to  the  Onna  Daigaku  doc- 
trine, we  have  to  consider  the  very  basis  of  the 
general  character  of  moral  teaching  in  Japan. 
The  seeming  absurdity  and  apparent  paradox 
of  the  doctrine,  even  to  our  Eastern  eyes,  will 
never  be  truly  understood  unless  we  extend  our 
gaze  to  the  general  conception  of  morality  by 
which  the  people  have  so  long  been  governed. 


As  I  said  at  the  beginning,  the  basis  of  the 
Japanese  moral  teaching  consists  in  the  highest 
sense  of  self-denial,  self-abnegation,  or  any 
antithesis  to  selfishness.  Take  for  an  instance 
the  Bushido,  the  most  salient  feature  in  the 
Japanese  morality.  (I  may  add  that  there  is 
no  dogma  of  the  Bushido,  nor  any  written  code.) 
It  preaches  submission  to  authority,  utter  de- 
votion to  one's  overlord,  and  self-sacrifice  of 
all  private  interest,  whether  of  self  or  family, 
to  the  common  weal.  It  is  the  morale  of  self- 
sacrifice.  Now  the  Bushido,  if  it  be  translated 
into  English,  means  "  the  way  of  the  warriors  '* 
or  "  warrior's  spirit."  In  other  words,  it  is  a 
moral  teaching  for  men  ;  or  it  may  be,  for  con- 
venience' sake,  termed  "  the  Greater  learning  for 
men,"  compared  with  "  the  Greater  learning  for 
women."  Of  course,  the  Bushido  is  of  the  more 
dominating  and  overwhelming  nature,  and  covers 
a  much  wider  sphere  in  its  application,  and, 
furthermore,  it  may  be  said,  almost  without  any 
fear  of  exaggeration,  that  the  doctrine  of  Onna 
Daigaku  is  a  different  form  of  the  Bushido  spirit. 
This  view  will  be  more  clearly  confirmed  when 
we  notice  Kaibara  say,  "  A  woman  has  no  par- 
ticular lord  ;  she  must  look  to  her  husband." 
This  is  indeed  the  key  of  his  whole  doctrine. 
The  Bushido  commands  loyalty  to  one's  lord ; 
the  Onna  Daigaku  loyalty  to  woman's  husband, 
who  was,  as  we  have  just  seen,  truly  her  lord. 


Therefore,  though  it  was  not  inculcated  in  quite 
the  same  form  and  manner,  we  shall  see  that 
what  a  Bushi  did  towards  his  lord  was  in  its 
essence  what  a  wife  did  towards  her  husband. 
The  apparent  impartiality  of  her  treatment  and 
severity  of  duty  imposed  upon  the  Japanese 
woman  by  the  doctrine  was  no  great  wonder 
when  we,  in  turn,  look  upon  her  husband,  who, 
under  the  strictest  discipline  of  the  Bushido, 
had  to  act  most  unselfishly  in  the  discharge  of 
his  duties  to  his  liege  lord.  So,  it  is  well  to  be 
remembered  that  the  Onna  Daigaku  is  but  an 
offshoot  from  the  general  principle  which  tells 
us  that  nothing  is  nobler  than  self-sacrifice. 
Thus  we  shall  also  see  that  it  was  not  woman 
only  who  was  to  submit  to  her  superior,  but  so 
was  man  too  to  his  superior,  though  the  objects 
of  their  subjection  were  not  certainly  reciprocal. 
The  moralists  of  antiquity  asked  themselves, 
"  Why  should  woman  alone  be  freed  from  the 
divine  duty  of  human  beings  which  Nature  im- 
partially imposed  upon  us  ?  "  But  man  of  the 
present  day  would  retort,  "  While  a  man  receives 
woman's  subjection  in  return  for  his  subjection 
to  his  lord,  and  thus  fills  the  gap,  so  to  speak ; 
where  and  what  can  a  woman  obtain  in  return 
for  her  subjection  to  her  husband  ?  "  As  a  man 
of  the  present  day  I  am  not  backward  in  joining 
my  voice  to  the  chorus  in  this  protest. 

Next,  what  we  notice  is  the  onerous  nature 


of  duties  imposed  upon  a  wife  towards  her  parents- 
in-law.  This  is  undoubtedly  the  outcome  of  the 
combined  idea  of  ancestor-worship  and  the  main- 
tenance of  the  family  name,  and  also  the  inevitable 
result  of  the  practice  of  married  couples  living 
in  the  same  house  with  their  parents.  An  eldest 
son,  an  heir,  be  he  real  or  adopted,  was  to 
succeed  to  his  father's  position  as  head  of  the 
family ;  and  to  make  himself  a  worthy  family 
head  he  had  to  learn  every  minor  matter  besides 
business  affairs,  if  there  were  any,  appertaining 
to  the  family  :  from  the  personality,  if  not 
character,  of  every  member  among  his  relations 
— generally  numerous  in  number — and  all  sorts 
of  family  specialities  in  various  matters,  social 
or  domestic,  religious  or  ceremonial — most  of 
them  descended  from  the  time  immemorial — 
down  to  the  kinds  of  gifts  to  be  given  to  his 
tenants  and  servants  on  certain  occasions  ;  all 
had  to  be  well  understood  by  him.  His  wife, 
too,  could  not  be  held  entirely  irresponsible  in 
these  matters.  Therefore  a  man  and  his  wife, 
on  their  wedding,  entered  into  an  apprenticeship 
under  those  whom  they  would  presently  succeed. 
A  woman's  parents-in-law  being,  sooner  or  later, 
to  join  a  group  of  her  family  ancestors,  she  was 
taught  to  serve  them  with  the  utmost  reverence 
and  worship.  We  often  see  even  now  a  large 
family  where  a  grandfather  and  grandmother 
enjoy  their  companionship  with  their  sons  and 


daughters  and  boys  and  girls  who  are  yet  further 
remote  offspring  of  theirs.  While  solitude  and 
loneliness  in  a  family  are  with  us  of  rare  occurrence, 
the  youthful  jubilation  of  a  young  couple  at  their 
secluded  settlement  is  no  usual  happening. 

Finally,  we  are  naturally  anxious  to  know 
what  effect  the  doctrine  may  have  brought  about 
upon  the  Japanese  women,  or  at  least  how  far  it 
has  influenced  woman's  character.  The  object 
of  the  investigation  exists  now  before  our  eyes, 
and  everybody  can  draw  conclusions  as  he  or  she 
may  like.  But  for  my  part  I  am  quite  certain 
that  for  good  or  evil  the  Japanese  women,  to 
say  nothing  of  the  other  characters,  are  the  most 
obedient,  docile,  submissive,  and  even  most 
humble  women  in  the  world.  Thus  woman's 
power  of  independence  and  self-reliance  so  far  dis- 
appeared, or  even  if  possessed  of  those  qualities, 
she  could  hardly  find  a  chance  to  display  them 
without  exciting  much  objection  and  disgust 
in  her  husband  and  relatives  at  large.  Of  the 
other  characteristics  of  our  women,  I  am  not  by 
any  means  a  good  judge,  and  I  think  it  much 
better  to  quote  what  foreigners — I  am  glad  to 
say  they  are  chiefly  English — say  of  our  women. 
Professor  Chamberlain,  who  is  beyond  question 
an  authority  on  Japan,  says,  *'  Japanese  women 
are  most  womanly,  kind,  gentle,  pretty."  Here 
is  a  most  daring  compliment  from  the  pen  of 
an  Englishman,  which  runs  as  follows  :    "  How 


sweet  Japanese  woman  is  !  All  the  possibilities 
of  the  race  for  goodness  seem  to  concentrate  in 
her.  It  shakes  one's  faith  in  some  Oriental 
doctrines.  If  this  be  the  result  of  suppression 
and  oppression,  then  these  are  not  altogether 
bad.  On  the  other  hand,  how  diamond-hearted 
the  character  of  the  American  woman  becomes 
under  the  idolatry  of  which  she  is  the  object. 
In  the  eternal  order  of  things,  which  is  the  higher 
being — the  childlike,  confiding,  sweet  Japanese 
girl,  or  the  superb,  calculating,  penetrating 
Occidental  Circe  of  our  more  artificial  society, 
w^ith  the  enormous  power  for  evil  and  her  limited 
capacity  for  good  ?  "  One  critic  went  even 
further — little  to  the  comfort  of  man — saying 
decidedly,  "  They  are  immeasurably  superior 
to  men."  After  all  this,  it  is  no  exaggeration  to 
say  that  the  unanimous  verdict  given  by  Western 
observers  is,  that  the  Japanese  woman  is  charm- 
ing, sweet,  gentle,  and  tender.  Great  compliment 
as  it  is  to  our  women,  I  am  inclined  to  think  that 
some  judges  must  have  been  struck  by  it  as  a 
strange  phenomenon,  and,  moreover,  their  con- 
clusions may  have  been  drawn  after  a  little 
over-strained  experience  in  their  Western  matri- 
monial life,  or  some  of  them  may  have  been  prone 
to  indulge  a  little  in  day-dreams. 

Yet  as  a  wife,  her  sincere  affection,  her  loving 
tenderness,  and  her  true,  faithful  devotion  to  her 
husband  is  most  remarkable.    It  seems  to  me  that 


these  natures  are  not  merely  a  "  result  of  sup- 
pression and  oppression."  The  late  Mr.  Lafcadio 
Hearn,  after  giving  his  admirable  translation  of 
a  diary  left  by  a  married  Japanese  woman,  said, 
*'  The  brave  resolve  of  the  woman  to  win  affection 
by  docility  and  by  faultless  performance  of  duty, 
her  gratitude  for  every  small  kindness,  her  child- 
like piety,  her  supreme  unselfishness,  her  Buddhist 
interpretation  of  suffering  as  the  penalty  for  some 
faults  committed  in  a  previous  life,  her  attempt 
to  write  poetry  when  her  heart  was  breaking — 
all  this  I  find  touching  and  more  than  touching. 
But  I  do  not  find  it  exceptional  !  The  traits 
revealed  are  typical — typical  of  the  moral  nature 
of  the  people."  Indeed,  as  a  wife,  the  Japanese 
woman  is  of  a  quiet,  peaceful  disposition,  fond 
of  home,  virtuous,  and  generally  of  an  appear- 
ance that  should  not  cause  her  husband  to  ever 
be  jealous  of  her.  She  is  homely  ;  haughtiness 
and  superciliousness  are  foreign  to  our  sense  of 

As  for  an  unmarried  girl,  men  might  almost 
say,  "  We  don't  know  what  she  is  like."  She 
is  not  the  property  of  any  young  man,  nor  does 
she  belong  to  herself,  but  to  her  parents.  Friend- 
ship between  a  girl  and  a  young  man  is  non- 
existent in  Japan.  A  girl  at  present  is  not  at 
all  under  such  a  strict  supervision  as  she  was 
in  former  days,  yet  she  is  incapable  of  meeting 
young    men    on    terms    of    equality,    even   to 


have  a  two  minutes'  talk  with  them  ;  she  is  more 
than  shy,  bashful,  and  palpitating.  She  does 
not,  on  the  other  hand,  appear  in  man's  eyes 
anything  but  a  delicate  and  fragile  porcelain 
figure.  Of  course,  man  is  not  quite  free  from 
censure,  since  his  handling  of  the  figure  is  not 
altogether  gentle.  Marriage  being  carried  out 
entirely  by  her  parents'  will,  her  virgin  days 
form  but  a  long  continuation  of  her  child  life  ; 
of  flirtation  and  courtship  she  knows  nothing. 
One  may,  then,  naturally  wonder  what  a  dull 
life  a  Japanese  young  man  leads  ! 

Lastly,  I  may  briefly  touch  upon  the  present 
state  of  the  problem.  As  things  in  Japan  are 
still  in  a  state  of  transition  after  such  a  great 
social  revolution,*  and  especially  so  of  the 
people's  morals,  it  is  no  easy  task  to  see  in  which 
direction  the  wind  is  really  blowing.  At  present, 
however,  the  people  have  not  to  any  noticeable 
extent  departed  from  the  spirit  resting  upon 
Kaibara's  doctrine.  Of  course,  I  must  mention 
that  his  work,  the  Onna  Daigaku,  is  no  longer 
a  favourite  book  of  women,  and  that  perhaps 
nine  girls  out  of  ten  have  not  had  even  a  glimpse 
of  its  famous  pages.  But  as  the  Onna  Daigaku 
was,  as  I  said  before,  an  embodiment  of  the 
people's  moral  nature,  the  important  meaning 
of  the  doctrine,  needless  to  say,  does  not  rest 
upon  the  book,  but  upon  the  heads  of  the  people 
♦  See  the  Appendix  A, 


themselves,  and  so  far  the  people  have  not  under- 
gone much  change  in  their  mode  of  thought  with 
regard  to  this  problem.  Hence  text-books  in 
girls'  schools  are  more  or  less  imbued  with  the 
doctrine  in  the  original  or  in  a  modified  form. 
There  was,  however,  an  attempt  to  overthrow 
the  prevailing  idea  by  the  late  Mr.  Fukuzawa, 
the  greatest  educator  of  modern  Japan,  to  whom 
present  Japan  owes  much  of  its  civilisation, 
which  culminated  in  the  promulgation  of  the 
Shin  Onna  Daigaku  or  "  the  new  greater  learning 
for  women."  Great  and  formidable  as  his  success 
was  in  the  other  departments  of  thought,  his 
new  effort  has  not,  up  to  the  present,  brought 
about  much  important  effect  upon  the  problem. 
So  long  as,  I  think,  the  present  family  system  of 
the  people  and  their  customs  and  condition  of 
living  do  not  make  any  marked  change,  a  com- 
paratively large  portion  of  the  doctrine  will  hold 
good  and  be  found  convenient  by  men.  But  on 
the  other  hand,  if  women  in  new  Japan  become 
more  enlightened  and  look  for  happiness,  both 
for  men  and  women,  in  a  new  form,  and  start 
themselves  a  movement  for  the  "  emancipation 
of  women,"  how  things  will  turn  out  I  cannot 
say.  But  I  can,  at  the  same  time,  assure  our 
women  that  there  is  an  unexpectedly  large  number 
of  men  who  are  quite  ready  to  back  them  up  if 
any  of  those  movements  should  come  to  the  fore. 
To   avoid  any  possible   misunderstanding  on 


the  part  of  my  readers,  I  feel  it  my  duty  to  add 
here  that  with  regard  to  the  severance  of  conjugal 
relations  between  a  husband  and  wife,  the  reasons 
minutely  enumerated  by  Kaibara  have  no  im- 
portance whatever,  and  these  matters  are  now 
distinctly  regulated  by  the  Civil  Code,  an  extract 
of  which  will  be  found  at  the  end  of  the  book. 

Shingoro  Takaishi. 

Aj}riU  1905. 



girl's  instruction 

SEEING  that  it  is  a  girFs  destiny,  on  reaching 
womanhood,  to  go  to  a  new  home,  and  live 
in  submission  to  her  father-in-law,  it  is  even  more 
incumbent  upon  her  than  it  is  on  a  boy  to  receive 
with  all  reverence  her  parents'  instructions. 
Should  her  parents,  through  her  tenderness,  allow 
her  to  grow  up  self-willed,  she  will  infallibly  show 
herself  capricious  in  her  husband's  house,  and 
thus  alienate  his  affection ;  while,  if  her  father- 
in-law  be  a  man  of  correct  principles,  the  girl 
will  find  the  yoke  of  these  principles  intolerable. 
She  will  hate  and  decry  her  father-in-law,  and 
the  end  of  these  domestic  dissensions  will  be  her 
dismissal  from  her  husband's  house  and  the 
covering  of  herself  with  ignominy.  Her  parents, 
forgetting  the  faulty  education  they  gave  her, 
may,  indeed,  lay  all  the  blame  on  the  father-in- 
law.  But  they  will  be  in  error  ;  for  the  whole 
disaster  should  rightly  be  attributed  to  the  faulty 
education  the  girl  received  from  her  parents. 

•  •  •  •  • 

More  precious  in  a  woman  is  a  virtuous  heart 

33  o 


than  a  face  of  beauty.  The  vicious  woman's 
heart  is  ever  excited  ;  she  glares  wildly  around 
her,  she  vents  her  anger  on  others,  her  words  are 
harsh  and  her  accent  vulgar.  When  she  speaks, 
it  is  to  set  herself  above  others,  to  upbraid  others, 
to  envy  others,  to  be  puffed  up  with  individual 
pride,  to  jeer  at  others,  to  outdo  others — all 
things  at  variance  v»dth  the  way  in  which  a 
woman  should  walk.  The  only  qualities  that 
befit  a  woman  are  gentle  obedience,  chastity, 
mercy,  and  quietness. 



From  her  earliest  youth  a  girl  should  observe 
the  line  of  demarkation  separating  women  from 
men,  and  never,  even  for  an  instant,  should  she 
be  allowed  to  see  or  hear  the  least  impropriety. 
The  customs  of  antiquity  did  not  allow  men  and 
women  to  sit  in  the  same  apartment,  to  keep 
their  wearing  apparel  in  the  same  place,  to 
bathe  in  the  same  place,  or  to  transmit  to  each 
other  anything  directly  from  hand  to  hand.  A 
woman  going  abroad  at  night  must  in  all  cases 
carry  a  lighted  lamp  ;  and  (not  to  speak  of 
strangers)  she  must  observe  a  certain  distance 
in  her  relations  even  with  her  husband  and 
with    her   brothers.      In   our  days    the    women 

£)EMARKATI0N  between  the  sexes    55 

of  lower  classes,  ignoring  all  rules  of  this 
nature,  behave  themselves  disorderly ;  they 
contaminate  their  reputations,  bring  down  re- 
proach upon  the  head  of  their  parents  and 
brothers,  and  spend  their  whole  lives  in  an  un- 
profitable manner.  Is  not  this  truly  lamentable  ? 
It  is  written  likewise  in  the  Lesser  Learning 
that  a  woman  must  form  no  friendship  and  no 
intimacy  except  when  ordered  to  do  so  by  her 
parents  or  by  middlemen,^  Even  at  the  peril 
of  her  life  must  she  harden  her  heart  like  rock 
or  metal  and  observe  the  rules  of  propriety. 



In  China  marriage  is  called  "  returning,"  for 
the  reason  that  a  woman  must  consider  her 
husband's  home  as  her  own,  and  that,  when  she 
marries,  she  is  therefore  returning  to  her  own 
home.  However  low  and  needy  her  husband's 
position  may  be,  she  must  find  no  fault  with  him, 
but  consider  the  poverty  of  the  household  which 

*  The  middleman  is  the  go-between.  It  is  the  parents'  duty 
in  Japan  to  secure  a  suitable  partner  for  their  child,  and,  in 
turn,  the  conduct  of  the  affair  is  customarily  intrusted  to  a  third 
person  (generally  some  married  friend  of  theirs).  The  middle- 
man thus  negotiates  the  marriage,  and  often  remains  through 
life  a  sort  of  godfather  to  the  young  couple. 


it  has  pleased  Heaven  to  give  her  as  the  ordering 
of  an  unpropitious  fate.  The  sage  of  old  taught 
that,  once  married,  she  must  never  leave  her 
husband's  house.  Should  she  forsake  the  "  way  " 
and  be  divorced,  shame  shall  cover  her  till  her 
latest  hour.  With  regard  to  this  point,  there 
are  seven  faults  which  are  termed  the  "  Seven 
Reasons  for  Divorce  "  :  ^ 

(i)  A  woman  shall  be  divorced  for  disobedience 
to  her  father-in-law  or  mother-in-law.  (ii)  A 
woman  shall  be  divorced  if  she  fail  to  bear  child- 
ren, the  reason  for  this  rule  being  that  women 
are  sought  in  marriage  for  the  purpose  of  giving 
men  posterity.  A  barren  woman  should,  how- 
ever, be  retained  if  her  heart  be  virtuous  and  her 
conduct  correct  and  free  from  jealousy,  in  which 
case  a  child  of  the  same  blood  must  be  adopted  ; 
neither  is  there  any  just  cause  for  a  man  to 
divorce  a  barren  wife  if  he  have  children  by  a 
concubine,  (iii)  Lewdness  is  a  reason  for  divorce, 
(iv)  Jealousy  is  a  reason  for  divorce,  (v)  Leprosy 
or  any  like  foul  disease  is  a  reason  for  divorce, 
(vi)    A    woman    shall    be    divorced    who,      by 

'  Before  the  present  system  of  government  was  adopted — 
that  is  to  say,  about  forty  years  ago — Japan  had  no  divorce 
law,  nor  a  court  for  such  a  petition,  and  the  divorce  was  effected 
either  by  mutual  agreement  between  the  husband  and  wife  or 
entirely  by  the  huisband's  will.  As  any  of  these  reasons  was 
justifiable  for  a  husband  to  announce  a  divorce  against  his 
wife,  the  reasons  enumerated  here,  in  a  sense,  appeared  to  have 
amounted  to  a  code  of  law.  Fur  tlie  present  condition  see  the 
Appendix  B. 


talking  overmuch  and  prattling  disrespectfully, 
disturbs  the  harmony  of  kinsmen  and  brings 
trouble  on  her  household,  (vii)  A  woman  shall 
be  divorced  who  is  addicted  to  stealing.  All  the 
*'  Seven  Reasons  for  Divorce  "  were  taught  by 
the  sage.  A  woman,  once  married,  and  then 
divorced,  has  wandered  from  the  "  way,"  and  is 
covered  with  great  shame,  even  if  she  should 
enter  into  a  second  union  with  a  man  of  wealth 
and  position. 

•  •  '•  •  •   ■ 

It  is  the  chief  duty  of  a  girl  living  in  the 
parental  house  to  practise  filial  piety  towards  her 
father  and  mother.  But  after  marriage  her  duty 
is  to  honour  her  father-in-law  and  mother-in-law, 
to  honour  them  beyond  her  father  and  mother, 
to  love  and  reverence  them  with  all  ardour, 
and  to  tend  them  with  practice  of  every  filial 
piety.  While  thou  honourest  thine  own  parents, 
think  not  lightly  of  thy  father-in-law  !  Never 
should  a  woman  fail,  night  and  morning,  to  pay 
her  respects  to  her  father-in-law  and  mother-in- 
law.  Never  should  she  be  remiss  in  performing 
any  tasks  they  may  require  of  her.  With  all 
reverence  must  she  carry  out,  and  never  rebel 
against,  her  father-in-law's  commands.  On  every 
point  must  she  inquire  of  her  father-in-law  and 
mother-in-law,  and  abandon  herself  to  their 
direction.  Even  if  thy  father-in-law  and  mother- 
in-law  be  pleased  to  hate  and  vilify  thee,  be  not 


angry  with  them,  and  murmur  not.  If  thou 
carry  piety  towards  them  to  its  utmost  limits, 
and  minister  to  them  in  all  sincerity,  it  cannot 
be  but  that  they  will  end  by  becoming  friendly 
to  thee. 


THE   wife's   miscellaneous    DUTIES 

A  WOMAN  has  no  particular  lord.  She  must 
look  to  her  husband  as  her  lord,  and  must  serve 
him  with  all  worship  and  reverence,  not  despising 
or  thinking  lightly  of  him.  The  great  lifelong 
duty  of  a  woman  is  obedience.  In  her  dealings 
with  her  husband,  both  the  expression  of  her 
countenance  and  style  of  her  address  should  be 
courteous,  humble,  and  conciliatory,  never  peevish 
and  intractable,  never  rude  and  arrogant — that 
should  be  a  woman's  first  and  chiefest  care. 
When  the  husband  issues  his  instructions,  the 
wife  must  never  disobey  them.  In  doubtful 
case  she  should  inquire  of  her  husband,  and 
obediently  follow  his  commands.  If  ever  her 
husband  should  inquire  of  her,  she  should  answer 
to  the  point — to  answer  in  a  careless  fashion  were 
a  mark  of  rudeness.  Should  her  husband  be 
roused  at  any  time  to  anger,  she  must  obey  him 
with  fear  and  trembling,  and  not  set  herself  up 
against  him  in  anger  and  forwardness,    A  womau 


should  look  on  her  husband  as  if  he  were  Heaven 
itself,  and  never  weary  of  thinking  how  she  may 
yield  to  her  husband  and  thus  escape  celestial 

•  •  •  •  • 

As  brothers-in-law  and  sisters-in-law  are  the 
brothers  and  sisters  of  a  woman's  husband,  they 
deserve  all  her  reverence.  Should  she  lay  herself 
open  to  the  ridicule  and  dislike  of  her  husband's 
kindred,  she  would  offend  her  parents-in-law,  and 
do  harm  even  to  herself  ;  whereas,  if  she  lives  on 
good  terms  with  them,  she  will  likewise  rejoice 
the  hearts  of  parents-in-law.  Again,  she  should 
cherish,  and  be  intimate  with,  her  brother-in- 
law  and  his  wife,  esteeming  them  as  she  does 
her  own  elder  brother  and  sister. 

Let  her  never  even  dream  of  jealousy.  If  her 
husband  be  dissolute,  she  must  expostulate  with 
him,  but  never  either  nurse  or  vent  her  anger. 
If  her  jealousy  be  extreme,  it  will  render  her 
countenance  frightful  and  her  accent  repulsive, 
and  can  only  result  in  completely  alienating  her 
husband  from  her,  and  making  her  intolerable 
to  his  eyes.  Should  her  husband  act  ill  and 
unreasonably,  she  must  compose  her  countenance 
and  soften  her  voice  to  remonstrate  with  him  ; 
and  if  he  be  angry  and  listen  not  to  the  remon- 
strance, she  must  wait  over  a  season,  and  then 
expostulate  with  him  again  when  hi?  heart  i§ 


softened.    Never  set  thyself  up  against  thy  hus- 
band with  harsh  features  and  a  boisterous  voice. 

•  •  •  •  • 

A  woman  should  be  circumspect  and  sparing 
in  her  use  of  words,  and  never,  even  for  a  pass- 
ing moment,  should  she  slander  others  or  be 
guilty  of  untruthfulness.  Should  she  ever  hear  of 
calumny,  she  should  keep  it  to  herself  and  repeat 
it  to  none  ;  for  it  is  retailing  of  calumny  that 
disturbs  the  harmony  of  kinsmen  and  ruins  the 
peace  of  families. 

m  m  w 

A  woman  must  be  ever  on  the  alert,  and  keep 
a  strict  watch  over  her  own  conduct.  In  the 
morning  she  must  rise  early,  and  at  night  go 
late  to  rest.  Instead  of  sleeping  in  the  middle 
of  the  day,  she  must  be  intent  on  the  duties  of 
her  household,  and  must  not  weary  of  weaving, 
sewing,  and  spinning.  Of  tea  and  wine  she  must 
not  drink  overmuch,  nor  must  she  feed  her  eyes 
and  ears  with  theatrical  performances,  ditties, 
and  ballads.  To  temples  ^  (whether  Shinto  or 
Buddhist)  and  other  like  places  where  there  is 
a  great  concourse  of  people,  she  should  go  but 
sparingly  till  she  has  reached  the  age  of  forty. 

^  Tbe  Japanese  temples  are  the  centreB  of  festivals,  and 
people  go  there  not  only  for  worshipping,  but  pleasure ;  indeed, 
a  great  number  for  the  latter  purpose.  The  Scotch  game  or 
market-day  in  the  country  may  be  likened  to  the  turn-out  of 
these  occasions, 


She  must  not  let  herself  be  led  astray  by 
mediums  and  divineresses,  and  enter  into  an 
irreverent  familiarity  with  the  gods ;  neither 
should  she  be  constantly  occupied  in  praying. 
If  only  she  satisfactorily  perform  her  duties  as 
a  human  being,  she  may  let  prayer  alone  without 
ceasing  to  enjoy  the  divine  protection. 

In  her  capacity  of  wife,  she  must  keep  her 
husband's  household  in  proper  order.  If  the 
wife  be  evil  and  profligate,  the  house  is  ruined. 
In  everything  she  must  avoid  extravagance,  and 
both  with  regard  to  food  and  raiment  must  act 
according  to  her  station  in  life,  and  never  give 
way  to  luxury  and  pride. 

While  young,  she  must  avoid  the  intimacy 
and  familiarity  of  her  husband's  kinsmen,  com- 
rades, and  retainers,  ever  strictly  adhering  to 
the  rule  of  separation  between  the  sexes  ;  and 
on  no  account  whatever  should  she  enter  into 
correspondence  with  a  young  man.  Her  personal 
adornments  and  the  colour  and  pattern  of  her 
garments  should  be  unobtrusive.  It  suffices  for 
her  to  be  neat  and  cleanly  in  her  person  and  in 
her  wearing  apparel.  It  is  wrong  in  her,  by  an 
excess  of  care,  to  obtrude  herself  on  other  people's 
notice.  Only  that  which  is  suitable  should  be 

a  m  n  » 

•  •  •  •  • 

She  must  not  selfishly  think  first  of  her  own 


parents  and  only  secondly  of  her  husband's  re- 
lations. At  New  Year,  on  Five  Festivals,  and 
on  other  like  occasions  she  should  pay  her  first 
respect  to  those  of  her  husband's  house,  and  then 
to  her  own  parents.  Without  her  husband's 
permission,  she  must  go  nowhere,  neither  should 
she  make  any  gift  on  her  own  responsibility. 

As  a  woman  rears  up  posterity  not  to  her  own 
parents,  but  to  her  father-in-law  and  mother-in- 
law,  she  must  value  the  latter  even  more  than  the 
former,  and  tend  them  filial  piety.  Her  visits, 
also,  to  the  paternal  house  should  be  rare  after 
marriage.  Much  more  then  with  regard  to  other 
friends  should  it  generally  suffice  for  her  to  send  a 
message  to  inquire  after  their  health.  Again,  she 
must  not  be  filled  with  pride  at  the  recollection  of 
the  splendour  of  her  parental  house,  and  must  not 
make  it  the  subject  of  her  conversations. 


However  many  servants  she  may  have  in  her 
employ,  it  is  a  woman's  duty  not  to  shirk  the 

'  The  Japanese  parlourmaids  are  more  concerned  with  the 
household  in  which  they  are  employed,  and  more  familiar  to 
their  masters,  mistresses,  and  other  members  of  th^  family  than 
the  English  ones, 


trouble  of  attending  to  everything  herself.  She 
must  sew  her  father-in-law's  and  mother-in-law's 
garments,  and  make  ready  their  food.  Ever 
attentive  to  the  requirements  of  her  husband, 
fihe  must  fold  his  clothes  and  dust  his  rug,  rear 
his  childi'en,  wash  what  is  dirty,  be  constantly 
in  the  midst  of  her  household,  and  never  go 
abroad  but  of  necessity. 

•  •  ■  •  • 

Her  treatment  of  her  handmaidens  will  require 
circumspection.  Those  low-born  girls  have  had 
no  proper  education;  they  are  stupid,  obstinate, 
and  vulgar  in  their  speech.  When  anything  in  the 
conduct  of  their  mistress's  husband  or  parents-in- 
law  crosses  their  wishes,  they  fill  her  ears  with 
their  invectives,  thinking  thereby  to  render  her 
a  service.  But  any  woman  who  should  listen 
to  this  gossip  must  beware  of  the  heart- 
burnings it  will  be  sure  to  breed.  Easy  is  it  by 
reproaches  and  disobedience  to  lose  the  love 
of  those  who,  like  a  woman's  marriage  con- 
nections, were  all  originally  strangers  ;  and  it 
were  surely  folly,  by  believing  the  prattle  of  a 
servant-girl,  to  diminish  the  affection  of  a  precious 
father-in-law  and  mother-in-law.  If  a  servant 
girl  be  altogether  too  loquacious  and  bad,  she 
should  speedily  be  dismissed  ;  for  it  is  by  the 
gossips  of  such  persons  that  occasion  is  given  for 
the  troubling  of  the  harmony  of  kinsmen  and  the 
disordering  of  a  household.     Again,  in  her  dealings 


with  these  low  people,  a  woman  will  find  many 
things  to  disapprove  of.  But  if  she  be  for  ever 
reproving  and  scolding,  and  spend  her  time  in 
hustle  and  anger,  her  household  will  be  in  a  con- 
tinual state  of  disturbance.  When  there  is  real 
wrongdoing,  she  should  occasionally  notice  it,  and 
point  out  the  path  of  amendment,  while  lesser 
faults  should  be  quietly  endured  without  anger. 
While  in  her  heart  she  compassionates  her 
subordinates'  weakness,  she  must  outwardly 
admonish  them  with  all  strictness  to  walk  in  the 
path  of  propriety,  and  never  allow  them  to  fall 
into  idleness.  If  any  is  to  be  succoured,  let  her 
not  be  grudging  of  her  money  ;  but  she  must  not 
foolishly  shower  down  her  gifts  on  such  as  merely 
please  her  individual  caprice,  but  are  unprofitable 



The  five  worst  infirmities  that  afflict  the  female 
are  indocility,  discontent,  slander,  jealousy,  and 
silliness.  Without  any  doubt,  these  five  infirmi- 
ties are  found  in  seven  or  eight  out  of  every  ten 
women,  and  it  is  from  these  that  arises  the 
inferiority  of  women  to  men.  A  woman  should 
cure  them  by  self-inspection  and  self-reproach. 

THE  mFIRMlTlES  OP  WOMAN       45 

The  worst  of  them  all  and  the  parent  of  the  other 
four  is  silliness.  Woman's  nature  is  passive. 
This  passiveness  being  of  the  nature  of  night  is 
dark.  Hence,  as  viewed  from  the  standard  of 
man's  nature,  the  foolishness  of  woman  fails  to 
understand  the  duties  that  lie  before  her  very 
eyes,  perceives  not  the  actions  that  will  bring 
down  blame  upon  her  own  head,  and  compre- 
hends not  even  the  things  that  will  bring  down 
calamities  on  the  head  of  her  husband  and  child- 
ren. Neither  when  she  blames  and  accuses  and 
curses  innocent  persons,  nor  when,  in  her  jealousy 
of  others,  she  thinks  to  set  up  herself  alone,  does 
she  see  that  she  is  her  own  enemy,  estranging 
others  and  incurring  thek  hatred.  Lamentable 
errors  !  Again,  in  the  education  of  her  children, 
her  blind  affection  induces  an  erroneous  system. 
Such  is  the  stupidity  of  her  character  that  it  is 
incumbent  on  her,  in  every  particular,  to  distrust 
herself  and  to  obey  her  husband. 


We  are  told  that  it  was  the  custom  of  the 
ancients,  on  the  birth  of  a  female  child,  to  let 
it  lie  on  the  floor  for  the  space  of  three  days. 
Even  in  this  may  be  seen  the  likening  of  the 
man  to  heaven  and  of  the  woman  to  earth  ;  and 
the  custom  should  teach  a  woman  how  necessary 
it  is  for  her  in  everything  to  yield  to  her  husband 
the  first,  and  to  be  herself  content  with  the  second 
place ;    to  avoid  pride,  even  if  there  be  in  her 


actions  aught  deserving  praise  ;  and,  on  the  other 
hand,  if  she  transgress  in  aught  and  incur  blame, 
to  wend  her  way  through  the  difficulty  and  amend 
the  fault,  and  so  conduct  herself  as  not  again  to 
lay  herself  open  to  censure  ;  to  endure  without 
anger  and  indignation  the  jeers  of  others,  suffering 
such  things  with  patience  and  humility.  If  a 
woman  acts  thus,  her  conjugal  relation  cannot 
but  be  harmonious  and  enduring,  and  her  house- 
hold a  scene  of  peace  and  concord. 

•  •  •  •  • 

Parents  !  teach  the  foregoing  maxims  to  your 
daughters  from  their  tenderest  years  !  Copy 
them  out  from  time  to  time,  that  they  may  read 
and  never  forget  them  !  Better  than  the  gar- 
ments and  divers  vessels  which  the  fathers  of 
the  present  day  so  lavishly  bestow  upon  their 
daughters  when  giving  them  away  in  marriage, 
were  it  to  teach  them  thoroughly  these  precepts, 
which  would  guard  them  as-  a  precious  jewel 
throughout  their  lives.  How  true  is  that  ancient 
saying  :  "A  man  knoweth  how  to  spend  a  million 
pieces  of  money  in  marrying  off  his  daughter, 
but  knoweth  not  how  to  spend  a  hundred  thou- 
sand in  bringing  up  his  child  !  "  Such  as  have 
daughters  must  lay  this  well  to  heart. 





EVERY  historian  who  deals  with  the  modern 
history  of  Japan  dates  the  new  epoch 
from  the  time  when  the  American  Commodore 
Perry  came  to  this  country  with  his  "  black 
ships,"  as  the  Japanese  then  called  warships. 

I  cannot  venture  to  depart  from  this  estab- 
lished precedent  in  my  description,  and,  indeed, 
using  a  favourite  Japanese  phrase,  the  blank  shot 
fired  from  Perry's  ships  was  the  signal  for  the 
raising  of  the  curtain  which  had  covered  the 
whole  country,  and  behind  which  the  people  had 
revelled  in  their  entire  isolation  from  the  outer 
world  for  so  many  years. 

Now  it  was  in  1853  when  Perry  paid  his  armed 
yet  very  peaceful  visit  to  this  hermit  country. 
It  was  only  some  months  ago  that  the  fiftieth 
anniversary  of  his  visit  was  celebrated  at  Tokio 
with  a  full  expression  of  the  national  gratitude 
to  him  and  his  country. 

Well,  I  think  it  is  important  to  give  you  here 

49  D 


some  idea  as  to  the  condition  of  the  country  at 
this  time.  Japan  was  then  under  the  Government 
of  the  Tokugawa  Shj^ogun  ;  that  is  to  say,  the 
inhabitants  dwelt  under  a  feudal  system  which 
had  been  so  carefully  planned  by  the  founder  of 
the  Tokugawa  Dynasty  that  his  line  lasted  for 
the  longest  period  that  ever  the  feudal  rulers  in 
Japan  enjoyed,  viz.  260  years. 

I  have  to  explain  what  the  Shyogun's  position 
really  was.  The  Shyogun  was  the  Emperor's 
deputy.  The  principle  of  the  relationship  be- 
tween him  and  the  Emperor  (known  in  Europe 
as  the  Mikado)  was  never  put  down  in  any  statute, 
but  practically  it  was  very  simple  and  clear, 
because,  frankly  speaking,  such  power  as  the 
Shyogun  then  enjoyed  had  really  been  wrested 
from  the  Emperor,  though  it  was  obtained  by 
peaceful  methods,  and  was  justified  by  time- 
honoured  traditions.  It  was,  as  a  matter  of  fact, 
announced  by  the  Shyogun  that  he  was  entrusted 
by  the  Emperor  with  the  whole  affairs  of  the 
State,  the  Emperor  reserving  no  power  of  sanction 
or  veto  with  regard  to  his  conduct.  In  short,  the 
Emperor  gave  up  all  those  rights  and  duties 
which  properly  attach  to  the  Sovereign  of  a 
country  except  the  actual  occupancy  of  the 
throne.  The  Shyogun  might  declare  war  against 
a  foreign  country,  as  weU  as  make  a  treaty  with 
one,  without  sanction  from  the  Emperor,  and 
might  even  ignore  him  altogether  as  regards  the 


negotiations.  This  is  a  brief  statement  of  their 

The  Shyogun  resided  in  Yedo  (now  Tokio) 
with  all  his  Governmental  officials,  and  the 
Emperor  dwelt  in  Kyoto.  Yedo  of  course  took 
the  shape  of  a  capital,  with  the  largest  popula- 
tion, wealth,  luxury,  and  social  prosperity.  Under 
the  Shyogun  there  were  about  300  Daimyo,  i.e. 
feudal  lords,  each  possessing  subjects  and  lands 
in  his  own  locality. 

As  to  the  diplomacy  of  the  country  the  motto 
of  the  founder  of  the  Tokugawa  Dynasty  was 
"  no  intercourse  whatever."  This  would  have 
been  beyond  question  the  best  way  to  keep  the 
nation  uninformed  and  undisturbed,  and  therefore 
prepared  to  give  blind  obedience  to  the  Shyogun. 
There  were  but  few  in  those  days  who  knew  that 
there  was  a  vast  land  called  America,  or  were 
cognisant  of  the  existence  of  Great  Britain. 

In  these  circumstances  it  is  hardly  possible  to 
imagine  now  how  great  the  wonder  was  when  they 
knew  of  the  sudden  presence  of  the  American 
ships  near  Yedo  Bay.  The  whole  nation  felt 
that  it  had  lost  its  individuality.  The  people 
had  no  idea  of  friendly  intercourse  between 
nations.  The  existence  of  a  State  was  deemed 
to  be  at  an  end  when  it  came  into  contact  with 
some  superior  State.  The  maintenance  of  a  State 
in  friendly  intercourse  with  another  was  looked 
upon    as    a    matter    of    impossibility.      "  The 


weaker,"  it  was  supposed,  "  always  went  to  the 

Let  me  now  come  back  to  the  subject  of  the 
"  black  ships."  While  the  event  created  such  an 
astonishment  and  alarm  throughout  the  country 
as  had  never  been  known  before,  it  served  as  a 
stimulant  to  the  people's  mind;  as  well  as  pointed 
out  a  path  leading  to  the  downfall  of  the  Toku- 
gawa  Government.  Finding  the  task  of  dealing 
with  the  Americans  too  onerous  for  its  own 
capacity,  or  considering  the  responsibility  for 
the  affairs  to  be  altogether  too  great,  the  Yedo 
Government  made  a  new  departure  from  its  long- 
cherished  governing  principle.  It  summoned  the 
feudal  lords  to  consider,  firstly  the  course  that 
should  be  pursued,  and  secondly  to  prepare  an 
address  to  the  Court  in  Kioto — that  is  to  say, 
to  the  Emperor — a  formal  report  concerning 
the  advent  of  the  American  ships.  Never  pre- 
viously had  the  Yedo  (government  asked  the 
feudal  lords  for  their  opinions  as  such,  nor  had 
it  officially  acquainted  the  Emperor  with  affairs 
of  State.  It  is  important  to  notice  that  this  very 
act  constituted  a  fatal  blow  to  the  Shyogun's 
administration,  inasmuch  as  it  was  an  open 
abrogation  of  its  thereunto  unique  and  autocratic 

Let  us  now  see  what  was  the  general  attitude 
towards  this  momentous  question  of  opening  the 
country.     Needless  to  say,  the  largest  section  of 


the  people  was  dead  against  conceding  anything 
to  the  ahens.  They  had  no  reasons  to  urge  for 
their  conviction,  but  they  regarded  the  isolation 
of  the  country  as  a  divinely  inherited  creed,  and 
therefore  they  did  not  want  to  reason  about  it, 
but  simply  to  believe  in  it.  Yet  I  may  divide  the 
people  into  three  parties  for  convenience'  sake. 
The  members  of  the  first  were  what  we  then  called 
"  Dutch  Students,*'  who  advocated  the  opening 
of  the  country,  and  maintained  very  liberal  and 
progressive  views. 

Judging  from  their  argument,  their  opinion  was 
quite  in  accord  with  Free  Trade.  But  this  section, 
of  course,  was  numerically  small,  and  had  no 
influence  upon  the  pubKc  at  that  early  date. 
The  second  consisted  of  the  people,  who  were 
also  anti-foreign,  but  insisted  on  temporary  com- 
pliance with  the  aliens'  wishes,  hoping  to  gain 
time  to  develop  the  national  strength,  so  that 
they  could  presently  beat  o5  the  foreign  intruders. 
This  opinion  was  held  by  comparatively  a  large 
number  of  educated  people,  and  no  doubt  the 
Yedo  (rovemment  was  largely  inspired  by  this 

Meanwhile,  Commodore  Perry,  who  had  left  the 
coimtry  the  previous  year  under  a  promise  that 
the  Yedo  Government  would  give  a  definite  answer 
in  the  following  year,  now  came  over  once  more 
to  repeat  the  tactics  he  had  employed  before. 
After  a  long  and  embarrassing  council,  the  Yedo 

54  APPENDIX    A 

Government  at  last  found  no  other  course  but 
to  open  some  comparatively  unimportant  ports 
in  1858. 

This  concession,  I  may  say,  was  the  signal  for 
an  outburst  of  national  indignation.  By  this 
time  the  doctrine  to  revere  the  Emperor,  which 
was  renewed  and  emphasised  some  half  century 
before  by  Shinto  scholars  and  many  profound 
thinkers,  had  now  begun  to  bear  fruit  in  the  minds 
of  a  large  section  of  the  people.  Disgusted  with 
the  Yedo  Government,  which,  they  thought,  had 
disgracefully  given  way  to  the  foreigners,  and 
inspired  by  the  doctrine  of  the  superiority  of  the 
Emperor,  the  whole  nation  closed  up  into  one 
party  to  resist  this  national  calamity.  The  cry 
of  "  Son-no- jo-i "  was  reverberated  from  end  to 
end  of  the  country.  "  Son-no- jo-i  "  means,  "  Re- 
vere the  sovereign,  expel  the  aliens."  Thus  the 
first  act  of  the  revolution  was  opened. 

The  dispute  as  regards  the  opening  of  the 
country  had  by  this  time  been  dropped  and  put 
into  the  background.  The  most  important  ques- 
tion was  this  :  how  to  elect  a  powerful  Government 
to  deal  with  the  national  affairs  in  accordance 
with  their  ancestral  dignity.  No  doubt  this  idea 
began  to  take  root  in  the  people's  mind,  owing 
to  the  revelation  of  the  weakness  of  the  Yedo 

Unfortunately  for  the  Shyogun's  Government, 
amidst  this  controversy  they  lost  the  services  of 


their  ablest  premier,  Tairo  li,  who  was  assas- 
sinated by  a  band  of  the  Mito  Clan's  Samurai, 
who  were  indignant  at  his  high-handed  policy  in 
oppressing  the  antagonists  to  the  Yedo  adminis- 
tration. After  his  death  the  Shyogun  was  prac- 
tically unable  to  control  his  subjects,  and  for  the 
moment  the  country  seemed  to  be  in  a  state  of 
complete  anarchy,  and  a  large  number  of  the 
feudal  lords  knew  not  what  to  do. 

To  solve  the  momentous  question  how  to  elect 
an  effective  Government,  there  was  first  put  for- 
ward a  moderate  doctrine  entitled  a  "  System  of 
Co-operative  Government."  Its  principal  feature 
was  to  bring  both  the  Emperor  and  Shyogun 
into  a  workable  Government.  This  opinion  was 
held  by  many  responsible  and  powerful  feudal 
lords,  as  well  as  by  a  great  number  of  their  able 
subjects,  and  it  was  most  popular  and  therefore 
had  great  influence,  because  the  largest  portion 
of  the  feudal  lords  and  people  were  as  well  devoted 
and  loyal  to  their  feudal  ruler  the  Shyogun  as  to 
the  Emperor,  and  even  the  radical  party,  it  seems 
to  me,  never  thought  at  the  beginning  of  such  a 
complete  destruction  of  the  Shyogun's  Govern- 
ment as  thev  devised  later  on. 

However,  to  understand  the  situation  it  must 
be  remembered  that  there  was  a  peculiar  section 
of  people  who  had  never  paid  homage  to  the 
Shyogun  and  had  the  easiest  access  to  the 
Emperor.     They  were  what  we  called  "  Kuge  " 


— the  Court  nobility.  They  were  the  descendants 
of  the  nobility,  who  once  exerted  great  influence 
in  the  Court  when  the  Emperor  had  personally 
governed  the  country.  While  the  reins  were  in  the 
hands  of  the  Shyogun  they  had  nothing  to  do  but 
to  attend  some  occasional  Court  ceremonials,  and 
practically  had  no  influence  either  politically  or 
socially.  But  now  this  group  of  nobility  began 
to  play  a  most  important  part  in  the  drama  of 
the  revolution.  Furthermore,  it  happened  that 
there  were  some  clever  and  statesmanlike  poli- 
ticians among  them. 

Quite  naturally  the  majority  of  the  nobflity 
did  not  like  the  principle  of  "  give  and  take,'* 
that  is,  of  "  Co-operative  Government,"  but  aimed 
at  the  perfect  restoration  of  power  to  the  Kyoto 
Court.  At  this  time  a  number  of  young  and 
ambitious  Samurai,  of  comparatively  low  rank, 
under  their  respective  lords,  were  gravitating 
towards  the  Kyoto  Court,  and  there  found  friends 
among  the  nobility.  The  Samurai  of  the 
Chyoshyu  Clan,  one  of  the  most  powerful,  at 
last  persuaded  their  lord  to  take  most  decisive 
measures  to  support  the  Kyoto  Court  in  an  effort 
to  regain  power.  The  Court  nobility  thus  brought 
a  most  powerful  chieftain  to  their  aid.  By  this 
time  the  Satsuma  Clan,  also  one  of  the  strongest, 
was  changing  its  opinion  in  favour  of  the  support 
of  the  Kyoto  policy,  and  therefore  formed  an 
alliance  with  the  Chyoshyu  Clan,  against  whom 


a  little  time  before  they  had  fought  a  fight  for 
the  Shyogun.  Consequently,  although  the  in- 
trigue of  the  nobility  with  Chyoshyu  to  overturn 
the  Yedo  Government  had  been  foiled  on  account 
of  its  premature  disclosure,  yet  when  the  Shyogun 
sent  troops  to  attack  Chyoshyu,  he  found  that 
the  Satsuma's  Samurai  were  acting  upon  a  secret 
understanding  with  the  objects  of  his  wrath. 

On  the  whole,  however,  the  overthrow  of  th@ 
Yedo  Government  and  the  restoration  of  the 
Kyoto  Court  was  not  yet  a  popular  course.  In 
addition  to  this,  the  Emperor  Komei,  father  of 
the  present  Emperor,  himself  did  not  wish  such 
a  radical  change  of  the  Government,  and  the 
moderate  nobility  also  supported  the  policy  of 
*'  co-operation."  Therefore,  when  the  Chyoshyu's 
intrigue  was  discovered,  the  Emperor  dismissed 
the  nobility  who  took  part  in  the  matter,  and 
they  thus  forfeited  their  titles. 

In  spite  of  this  general  desire  for  a  peaceful 
and  amicable  settlement,  there  was  an  irresistible 
adverse  current  running  underneath  the  whole 
surface.  By  this  time  the  new  Shyogun  Keiki 
found  more  acutely  than  before  that  he  was 
standing  in  a  more  and  more  difficult  position, 
and  that  the  ancient  power  of  Shyogun  had  now 
vanished.  This  was  a  quite  natural  and  necessary 
result  of  their  action,  because,  as  I  have  said 
before,  the  Yedo  Government  had  already  de- 
parted from  its  well-planned  and  fundamental 

68  APPENDIX    A 

principle,  which  had  its  backbone  in  feudalism. 
Consequently,  after  the  Shyogun's  self-effacing 
act,  the  Yedo  Government,  although  it  retained 
to  some  extent  its  shape,  may  be  likened  to  a 
body  of  which  the  spiritual  essence  has  departed. 
At  this  time  the  chief  of  Tosa,  a  clan  no  less 
important  than  Satsuma  or  Chyoshyu,  presented 
a  remarkable  memorial  to  the  new  Shyogun 
Keiki,  setting  forth  the  helplessness  of  the  Yedo 
Government,  and  urging  that  in  the  interest  of 
good  Government,  and  in  order  that  the  nation's 
united  strength  might  be  available  to  meet  the 
contingencies  of  its  new  career,  the  administrative 
power  should  be  restored  to  the  Emperor.  Beyond 
question  it  must  have  been  ridiculous  to  listen 
to  such  a  plea  if  the  Shyogun's  power  had  re- 
mained unchanged.  But  Keiki  himself  was  a 
man  of  common  sense  and  loyal  to  the  Emperor. 
No  doubt  he  was  convinced  that  the  Shyogun's 
power  had  already  gone  for  ever,  and  to  attempt 
to  keep  up  its  old  prestige  was  tantamount  to 
awaiting  the  forced  destruction  of  its  whole 
edifice  by  other  hands,  and  that,  if  it  was  once 
done,  the  glorious  family  of  Tokugawa  might 
have  been  completely  effaced  from  contemporary 
history.  Thus  Tosa's  timely  advice  gave  definite 
form  to  his  convictions,  and  at  last,  in  1867, 
fourteen  years  after  the  American  advent  to  the 
country,  the  Shyogun  Tokugawa  Keiki  presented 
a  formal  address  to  the  present  Emperor  to  be 


permitted  to  give  up  his  administrative  powers 
into  the  Sovereign's  own  hands.  It  was  a  great 
as  w^ell  as  patriotic  determination  on  the  part  of 
Keiki,  and  well  worthy  the  admiration  of  his 
compatriots,  in  that  he  gave  up  for  his  country 
his  Court  at  Yedo,  which  had  lacked  no  attribute 
of  stately  magnificence  or  autocratic  strength, 
and  retired  wholly  into  private  life.  Nevertheless, 
this  pacific  act  of  the  Shyogun  was  not  received 
with  much  sympathy  by  some  of  the  nobility 
and  by  the  Samurai  from  the  Satsuma  and 
Chyoshyu  Clans,  who  were  now  the  best  friends 
of  the  nobility.  On  the  contrary,  they  desired 
not  only  to  exclude  the  Shyogun  Keiki  from 
taking  part  in  the  new  Government,  but  decided 
to  ask  him  to  abandon  his  fief  and  people  at  once. 
Apparently  the  chasm  between  the  Revolutionists, 
or,  I  may  say,  the  Imperialists,  and  the  Shyogun 
was  absolutely  unbridgeable.  The  Imperialists 
had  in  view  the  thorough  abrogation  of  the  Shyo- 
gun's  office  and  the  creation  of  a  strong  central 
Government  under  direct  control  of  the  Emperor. 
In  the  face  of  such  provocation  Keiki,  greatly 
moved  by  his  loyal  vassals,  took  up  arms  against 
Kyoto.  But  his  force  was  defeated  at  the  be- 
ginning by  the  Samurai  of  the  southern  clans, 
and  he  retired  to  Yedo  (now  Tokio),  the  seat  of 
his  Court,  about  three  hundred  miles  north-east 
of  Kyoto. 

Thereupon  a  regular  army  was  formed  at  Kyoto 


under  the  name  of  the  "  Imperial  Army,*'  to 
attack  Yedo ;  but  when  the  force  came  near 
Yedo,  the  sensible  Shyogun  still  did  not  lose  his 
judgment,  and  evinced  his  appreciation  of  the 
situation  in  declaring  once  more  his  willingness 
to  hand  over  his  capital  and  to  give  up  all  his 
power.  It  will  be  remembered,  although  he 
voluntarily  surrendered,  he  had  still  the  majority 
of  the  feudal  lords  with  him,  and,  if  he  had  so 
desired,  he  could  have  accumulated  a  strong 
force,  more  powerful  even  than  the  Imperial 

In  spite  of  his  determined  surrender,  his  vassals 
in  Yedo,  and  the  clans'  Samuria  in  several 
localities  armed  themselves,  at  their  own  dis- 
cretion, against  the  Imperialists,  and  fought  for 
their  cause  with  the  most  admirable  sincerity 
and  daring.  Nevertheless,  the  Shyogunites, 
some  of  whom  made  so  stubborn  a  resistance 
that  they  went  to  Yezo  or  Hokkaido,  the  extreme 
north  of  the  country,  and  there  proclaimed  the 
establishment  of  a  republic,  were  at  last  defeated 
and  surrendered.  I  may  add  that  Viscount 
Hayashi,  the  present  Japanese  Minister  at  the 
Court  of  St.  James,  was  one  of  the  Royal  Shyo- 
gunites, and  fought  till  the  last,  when  he  and  his 
colleagues  surrendered  to  the  Imperial  Army  at  a 
besieged  fort  in  Hokkaido. 

Thus  universal  tranquillity  was  at  last  gained 
after   one-and-a-half   year's  unrest,  dating  from 


the  time  that  the  Shyogun  formally  restored  his 

What  I  have  said  is  only  a  very  broad  outline 
of  how  the  Japanese  Revolution  was  carried  out. 
In  conclusion  I  must  now  briefly  refer  to  the 
effects  which  it  had  upon  the  general  policy  of 
the  country.  I  think  you  all  understand  the 
revolution  was  prompted  by  an  inspiration  to 
expel  the  aliens  and  in  reverence  for  the  sove- 
reign, and  that  therefore  the  new  Government 
was  the  product  of  this  anti-foreign  idea.  How- 
ever, the  scene  had  undergone  a  sudden  change ; 
anti-foreignism  had  vanished  altogether.  The 
new  Government  hastened  to  introduce  the 
Western  civilisation  as  much  as  they  could. 
Everything  of  Japanese  native  production  was 
now  contemptuously  put  aside  as  "  old  and 
obsolete."  More  and  more  the  Government 
sent  students  in  numbers  to  every  country  where 
they  thought  they  could  learn  Western  civilisa- 
tion. The  people  who  were  not  very  long  ago 
fiercely  angry  with  everything  foreign,  now  did 
not  witness  these  changes  with  any  sense  of 
surprise  whatever.  They  joined  triumphantly 
in  the  new  policy  of  the  new  Government.  While 
respect  for  antiquity  vanished,  newness  was  the 
very  mainspring  and  life  of  everything.  This 
peculiar  state  of  things  is  explained  in  two  ways. 
First,  the  cry  of  "  Alien  expulsion  "  was  raised 
mainly  to  condemn  the  policy  of  the  Shyogun'a 


Government,  and  thus  to  make  the  movement 
against  Yedo  appear  a  legitimate  one.  Secondly, 
the  people  got  to  know  more  about  the  foreigners 
after  the  opening  of  the  country,  which  the 
Tokugawa  Government  was  forced  to  do  by  the 
American  envoy,  and,  seeing  their  superiority 
as  well  as  their  peaceful  motives,  they  now  fully 
recognised  the  advantages  of  maintaining  the 
policy  of  the  open  door  and  of  accommodating 
themselves  to  Western  civilisation,  and  assimi- 
lating its  advantages. 

Finally,  in  the  year  23  Meiji,  that  is  to  say, 
about  fifteen  years  ago  from  the  present  date, 
the  new  constitution  which  set  forth  the  principle 
of  the  limited  monarchy,  having  more  resemblance 
to  the  British  than  any  other  country's,  was 
promulgated,  and  the  new  Cabinet  under  the 
new  constitution  was  formed  with  the  Premier 
Marquis  Ito,  who  was  one  of  the  Chyoshyu's 



An  Extract  from  the  Japanese  Civil  Code 

Prov.  808.  The  husband  and  wife  may  effect 
a  divorce  by  mutual  consent. 

Prov.  809.  A  person  who  has  not  reached  the 
age  of  twenty-five  in  order  to  effect  a  divorce  by 
mutual  consent  must  obtain  the  consent  of  those 
persons  whose  consent,  according  to  Arts.  772 
and  773,  would  be  necessary  to  his  contracting 
a  marriage. 

Prov.  813  (judicial  divorce).  A  husband  or 
a  wife,  as  the  case  may  be,  can  bring  an  action 
for  divorce  only  in  the  following  cases  : 

1.  If   the   other  party   contracts   a   second 


2.  If  the  wife  commits  adultery. 

3.  If  the  husband  is  sentenced  to  punish- 

ment for  an  offence  involving  criminal 
carnal  intercourse. 

4.  If  the  other  party  is  sentenced  to  punish- 

ment for  an  offence  greater  than  mis- 
demeanour, involving  forgery,  bribery, 



sexual  immorality,  theft,  robbery,  ob- 
taining property  by  false  pretences, 
embezzlement  of  goods  deposited,  re- 
ceiving property  obtained  criminally, 
or  any  of  the  offences  specified  in 
Arts.  175  or  260  of  the  Criminal  Code, 
or  is  sentenced  to  a  major  imprisonment 
or  more. 
6.  If  any  party  is  deserted  by  the  other  with 
wilful  intention. 

6.  If  any  party  is  ill-treated  or  grossly  in- 

sulted by  an  ascendant  of  the  other 

7.  If  an  ascendant  of  one  party  is  ill-treated 

or  grossly  insulted  by  the  other  party. 

8.  If  it  has  been  uncertain  for  three  years 

or  more  whether  the  other  party  was 
alive  or  dead. 

9.  In  the  case  of  the  adoption  of  a  Muko- 

yoshi,^  if  the  adoption  is  dissolved ;  or 
in  the  case  of  the  marriage  of  an  adopted 
son  with  a  daughter  of  the  house,  if  the 
adoption  is  dissolved  or  cancelled. 

*  Mukoyoshi  is  a  person  who  is  adopted  by  another,  and  at 
the  same  time  marries  the  daughter  of  the  house,  who  would  be 
the  heir  to  the  headship  of  the  house. 

Printed  by  ffazdl,  Watson  &  Viney,  Ld  ,  London  and  Aylesbury, 



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